For Lenders

Today’s real estate lenders are squeezed between the triple pressures of aggressive lending targets, staff budget constraints and ever-tightening regulation.  Everyone is being asked to “do more, with less”.  We can help, cost-effectively.

On the new business side, we have helped clients with:

On the portfolio administration side, we have helped clients with:

Our team has a combined total of more than 50 years’ experience in all facets of real estate lending. We have hands-on experience in the design and creation of institutional mortgage and default management departments, including all staffing and systems needs, strategic and tactical goals, policies and procedures, and internal risk rating systems.

Lease and Estoppel Reviews

One of the most popular services we provide our lender clients is the preparation of concise and accurate lease summaries and estoppel reviews. With decades of hands-on experience, we have reviewed literally thousands of commercial leases.

We present our lease and estoppel reviews in whatever format the client requires, ranging from a multi-page narrative précis of each lease to a highly condensed spreadsheet summary report. We are happy to work with your underwriters to design a format that completely meets your needs.

For more information please call Alison 905-330-3671

Commercial Mortgage Underwriting

We can take a mortgage application every step of the way from initial review through funding or, depending on your needs, can focus on only one or more of the following stages:

  • File triage – a “quick and dirty” go/no go analysis;
  • A deeper analysis of the property, the sponsorship and the appropriate structure;
  • A full underwriting submission, ready for credit committee;
  • Quarterback the entire pre-funding due diligence process;
  • Analysis and monitoring of ongoing construction draw requests.

  • For more information please call Mike 905-334-5422

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